An innovative and successful network of women philanthropists

For two decades, forced displacement has continued to increase worldwide. People are forced to flee homes due to war, conflict and persecution, and the number of people forced to flee reached a staggering number of 103 million – the highest-level on record since the Second World War.

More than half of them are women and girls. Syrian refugees are among the largest refugee populations in the world, with more than 13 million people displaced inside Syria and another half of 6.6 million that sought safety as refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkiye, and other neighbouring countries.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, launched the Leading Women Fund in Thailand in 2022 in collaboration with the Chairwoman, Distinguished Members, and Media Partners to expand a network of Thai women fundraising to support single Syrian refugee mothers in Jordan.

This assistance generated direct cash support for refugee women who are heads of households, in turn empowered to manage the family’s budget and meet their essential costs of living with dignity.
“UNHCR launched the cash-based assistance programme as a tool to provide protection to refugees in 100 countries, including Jordan, which allows the refugees to meet their most pressing needs,” said Nivene Albert, UNHCR Deputy Representative in Thailand.

In 2022, the Leading Women Fund in Thailand received tremendous support from 30 Thai leading woman entrepreneurs whose collective efforts fundraised THB 5,500,000 for UNHCR. These donations were distributed in the form of cash-based assistance to about 380 refugees from 76 families of single mothers in Jordan.

“The success of the first year is the result of a strong commitment from all sectors who share the same vision in expanding the network for the greater good on a global level. The steady growth of the network shows the rising strength of young women who are ready to lead and set the trend for boundless contribution to society,” said Waewwan Gunnanthorn, CEO of Rosegold Thailand and Chairwoman of the Leading Women Fund in Thailand.

The Leading Women Fund in Thailand consists of a group of distinguished members, high-profile supporters and leading national media partners who put together positive mechanisms to support Syrian refugees. This network has a life-changing impact and is led by women for women.

“HisoParty has a network of generous high-profile supporters who contribute regularly to charity work. We are honoured to be working with UNHCR, to promote the Leading Women Fund by organizing fundraising events among our community to support UNHCR global humanitarian assistance,” said Preeyamol Thanavisut, Managing Director of Web Publishing Co., Ltd. (HiSoParty magazine and

The Leading Women Fund gathers 30 members and distinguished members, each successful professional who generously volunteers their time to participate in this networking for one common objective: build a better life for refugee women.

“Throughout the year, I made new friends with many women entrepreneurs from different industries, and we exchanged new ideas and perspectives. I then realized the importance of joint efforts to build a stronger humanitarian network. Unquestionably, women’s power can make a positive change and benefit society and other people.”

You can contribute and mobilize for the network of UNHCR’s Leading Women Fund in Thailand to support Syrian refugee women in Jordan who are single mothers and heads of households so that they can build a better life for their beloved family.

Your annual membership fee of THB 80,000 will enable refugee women to meet the essential costs of living, which includes house rent, hygiene supplies, healthcare, and children’s education.
By joining the Leading Women Fund, you will be able to benefit from personal and professional development opportunities, such as seminars and learning sessions about global humanitarian work alongside the leading women in a country.

Your skills and knowledge will empower you to become a leader in our network to shape the future of the Leading Women Fund projects. Contribute to make the world a better place for women by women and become a member today and at